Monthly Archives: January 2012

Dr. Karen Cajka

I know that it has been some time since Dr. Karen Cajka’s, Director of Women’s Studies, passing.  Nevertheless, I wanted to share some article, thoughts, blogs, and other web sources that honor the life, accomplishments, passions, and mentorship that Dr. Cajka brought to this world and especially ETSU’s Women’s Studies program.  I feel that there are not enough words in the English language that could express our gratitude for what Dr. Cajka has brought to this program, university, and most importantly our individual lives. As the Spring 2012 semester begins, we in the Women’s Studies office sense Dr. Cajka in everything we do. Her whit, brilliance, compassion, drive, and inspiration are ingrained in this office. Nothing I say can quite capture what she truly meant to this program and the people who were fortunate enough to have known her.


I know there are probably many more articles and memorials honoring Dr. Cajka that can be found online. If you have any that you would like to share, please feel free to share them here! Also, any memories and thoughts can certainly be shared here.